Michael Behen
Office Address
3901 Beaubien Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48201
Education – Degrees, Licenses, Certifications
EDUCATION: 1990 University of Michigan-Dearborn, Honors B.A. Psychology 1997 Wayne State University, MA: Psychology (Clinical) 2004 Wayne State University, Doctorate: Psychology (Clinical) CLINICAL INTERNSHIP: 1996-1998 Children’s Center of Wayne County. Outpatient therapist/psychodiagnostician. Carry outpatient caseload of therapy clients (children, family, marital). Psychological evaluations. Weekly didactic and case conferences. POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP: 2004-2006 Children’s Hospital of Michigan-PET Center. Responsibilities included: research design and methodology for various projects at the PET Center; statistical analyses and interpretation, development of psychological metrics,manuscript and grant preparation/writing, and supervision of neuropsychological evaluations for all research projects; supervision of data coding/database management; dissemination of empirical work at scientific meetings; scientific journal article review. Also responsible for supervision of neuropsychological evaluations, conducting [O15]water and fMRI activation studies, volumetric MRI and DTI data processing and analyses. Region of interest (ROI) drawing, and Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) analyses.Publications
Mueller RA, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chakraborty P, Chugani HT. Plasticity of motor
organization in children and adults. Neuroreport. 8: 3103-3108, 1997.
Chugani DC, Muzik O, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Chakraborty PK, Magner TJ, Dasilva E, Chugani
HT. Altered serotonin synthesis in the dentatothalamocortical pathway for autistic boys. Ann
Neurol. 42: 666-669, 1997.
Mueller RA, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Magner TJ, Chugani HT. Receptive and
expressive language activations for sentences: A PET study. Neuroreport. 8: 367-3770, 1997.
Mueller RA, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Magner TJ, Chakraborty P, Chugani HT. Brain
organization of language after early unilateral lesion: A PET study. Brain & Language. 62: 422-
451, 1998.
Mueller RA, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Becker C, Fuerst D, Magner TJ, Chugani HT.
Determination of language dominance by [O15] water PET in children and adolescents: A
comparison with the WADA test. J Epilepsy. 11: 152-161, 1998.
Mueller RA, Chugani DC, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Muzik O, Chakraborty P, Chugani HT.
Impairment of the Dentate-thalamo-cortical pathway in autistic men: language activation data from
positron emission tomography. Neuroscience Letters. 245: 1-4, 1998.
Mueller RA, Behen, ME, Rothermel R, Muzik O, Downey R, Magner TJ, Chugani HT. Taskrelated
activations in heterotopic brain malformations: A PET study. Neuroreport 9: 2527-2533,
Mueller RA, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Magner TJ, Chugani HT. Different patterns of
language and motor reorganization following early left hemisphere lesion. Arch Neurol. 55:
1113-1119, 1998.
Mueller, RA, Rothermel, R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Magner TJ, Chugani HT. Develomental changes
of cortical and cerebellar motor control: A clinical PET study with children and adults. J Child
Neurol. 13: 550-556, 1998.
Mueller RA, Rothermel R, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chakraborty P, Chugani HT. Language
organization in patients with early and late left hemispheric lesion: A PET study.
Neuropsychologia. 37: 545-57, 1999.
Mueller RA, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Muzik O, Chakraborty P, Chugani HT. Brain organization
for language in children, adolescents, and adults with left hemisphere lesion: A PET study. Prog
Neuro-Psychopharmacol & Biol Psychiatr. 23: 657-68, 1999.
Mueller RA, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Magner TJ & Chugani HT. Brain
mapping of language and auditory processing in high-functioning autistic adults: A PET study. J
Autism Dev. Disorders. 29: 19-31, 1999.
Chugani DC, Muzik O, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Lee J & Chugani HT. Developmental changes in
brain serotonin synthesis capacity in autistic and non-autistic children. Annals of Neurology.
45: 287-295, 1999.
Chugani DC, Sundram BS, Behen ME, Lee M-L & Moore GJ. Evidence of altered energy
metabolism in autistic children. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 23: 635-641,
Pfund Z, Chugani HT, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Nigro MA, Trock GL, Squires LA.
Lissencephaly: Fetal pattern of glucose metabolism on positron emission tomography. Neurology.
55: 1683-1688, 2000.
Juhasz C, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT. Bilateral medial frontal and bilateral
temporal neocortical hypometabolism in children with epilepsy and aggression. Epilepsia. 42:
991-1001, 2001.
Asano E, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Magner TJ, Chakraborty PK, &
Chugani HT. Autism in tuberous sclerosis complex: Evidence for subcortical mechanisms.
Neurology. 9:1269-77, 2001.
Asano E, Kuivaniemi AHM, Huq M, Tromp G, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Herron J & Chugani DC.
A study on novel polymorphisms in the novel upstream region of vasoactive intestinal peptide
receptor type 2 gene in autism. Journal of Child Neurology, 16: 357-63, 2001.
Lee JS, Asano E, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Pfund Z, Philip S, Behen ME, Chugani HT.
Sturge-Weber Syndrome with unihemispheric involvement: Correlation between clinical
characteristics and FDG PET findings. Neurology. 24:189-95, 2001.
Chugani HT, Behen ME, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Nagy F, and Chugani DC. Local brain functional
activity following early deprivation: A study of post-institutionalized Romanian orphans.
Neuroimage. 14:1290-301. 2001.
Pfund Z, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Behen ME, Lee J & Chugani HT. methyl tryptophan
PET in patients with alternating hemiplegia of childhood. J Child Neurol. 17: 253-60,
Lee JS, Pfund Z, Juhasz C, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Nigro MA, Chugani HT Altered
regional brain glucose metabolism in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a pet study. Muscle Nerve.
26 :506-12, 2002.
Chandana S, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani, HT, Chugani DC.
Significance of abnormalities of developmental trajectory and asymmetry of cortical serotonin
synthesis in autism. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 23: 171-82, 2005.
Eluvathingal T*, Chugani HT, Behen ME, Juhász C, Muzik O, Maqbool M, Chugani DC, Makki
M. Abnormal brain connectivity in children following early severe socio-emotional deprivation: a
diffusion tensor imaging study. Pediatrics. 117:2093-100, 2006.
Eluvathingal TJ*, Behen ME, Chugani DC, Janisse J, Bernardi B, Chakraborty P, Juhasz C,
Muzik O, Chugani HT. (2006). Cerebellar lesions in tuberous sclerosis complex:
neurobehavioral and neuroimaging correlates. J Child Neurol. 846-51, 2006.
Behen ME,.Chugani HT, Juhász C, Helder E*, Ho A, Maqbool M, Muzik O. Abnormal Brain
Tryptophan Metabolism and Clinical Correlates in Tourette Syndrome. Movement Disorders.
22: 2256-62, 2007.
Behen ME, Geenen E*, Rothermel R, Muzik O, Chugani HT. Incidence of specific absolute
neurocognitive impairment in a sample of children with histories of early severe social deprivation.
Child Neuropsychology 2008 September; 14(5): 453–469.
Juhász C, Haacke M, Hu J, Xuan Y, Makki M, Behen ME, Maqbool M, Muzik O, Chugani DC,
Chugani HT. Multimodality imaging of cortical and white matter abnormalities in Sturge-Weber
syndrome. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 28: 900-6, 2007.
Chugani HT, Juhász C, Behen ME, Ondersma R, Muzik O. Autism with facial port-wine stain: a
new syndrome? Pediatr Neurol. 37:192-199, 2007.
Batista CEA, Chugani HT, Juhász C, Behen ME, Shankaran S. Transient hypermetabolism of the
basal ganglia following perinatal hypoxia. Ped Neurol. 36: 330-3, 2007.
Juhász C, Lai C, Behen ME, Muzik O, Helder EJ*, Chugani DC, Chugani HT. White matter
volume is a major predictor of cognitive function in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Arch Neurol.
64:1169-74, 2007.
Govindan RM*, Chugani HT, Makki M, Behen ME, Dornbush J, Sood S. Diffusion tensor
imaging of brain plasticity after occipital lobectomy. Pediatr Neurol. 38:27-33, 2008.
Sundaram, SK, Kumar, A*, Makki, M, Behen ME, Chugani, HT, Chugani, DC. Diffusion Tensor
Imaging of Frontal Lobe in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cerebral Cortex, Nov;18(11):2659-65.
Epub 2008 Mar 20. 2008.
Sundaram SK; Sivaswamy L, Makki M, Behen ME and Chugani HT, MD. Absence of Arcuate
Fasciculus in Children with Developmental Delay of Unknown Etiology: A Diffusion Tensor
Imaging Study. Journal of Pediatrics. 152: 250-5, 2008.
Makki M, Behen ME, Bhatt A*, Wilson B*, Chugani HT. Microstructural abnormalities of striatum
and thalamus in children with Tourette syndrome. Movement Disorders, Dec
Batista CEA, Chugani HT, Hu J, Haacke EM, Behen ME, Helder EJ*, Juh´asz C. Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Detects Abnormalities in Normal-Appearing Frontal Lobe of
Patients With Sturge-Weber Syndrome. J Neuroimaging, 18:306-313, 2008.
Makki M, Govindan RM*, Wilson BJ*, Behen ME *, and Chugani, HT. Altered FrontoStriato-
Thalamic Connectivity in Children With Tourette Syndrome Assessed With Diffusion Tensor Fiber
Tracking. Journal of Child Neurology, 2009;24(6):669-78.
Behen ME, Muzik O, Saporta AS, Wilson BJ*, Pai D, Hua J, et al. Abnormal frontostriatal
connectivity in children with histories of early deprivation: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain
Imaging Behav 2009;3(3):292-7.
Kumar A, Sundaram SK, Sivaswamy L, Behen ME, Makki MI, Ager J, et al. Alterations in Frontal
Lobe Tracts and Corpus Callosum in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cereb
Cortex 2009:bhp278.
Luat AF, Behen ME, Juhász C, Sood S, Chugani HT. Secondary Tics or Tourettism
Associated With a Brain Tumor. Pediatric Neurology. [doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2009.07.009]
Makki MI, Munian Govindan R*, Wilson BJ*, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Altered FrontoStriato-
Thalamic Connectivity in Children with Tourette Syndrome Assessed with Diffusion Tensor MRI
and Probabilistic Fiber Tracking. J Child Neurol 2009;24(6):66978.
Saporta, A. S. D., Chugani, H. T., Juhasz, C., Makki, M. I., Muzik, O., Wilson, B. J.*, Behen ME.
(2010). “Multimodality Neuroimaging in Tourette Syndrome: Alpha-[ 11 C] Methyl-L- Tryptophan
Positron Emission Tomography and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Studies”. Journal of Child
Neurology, 25(3); 336-342.
Wilson BJ*, Sundaram SK, Huq A, Jeong JW, Halverson SM*, Bui D, Behen ME Chugani HT.
Abnormal Language Pathway in Children with Angelman Syndrome: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Study. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 2010. In Press.
Govindan, R. M., Makki, M. I., Wilson, B. J.*, Behen ME., & Chugani, H. T. (2010). “Abnormal
water diffusivity in corticostriatal projections in children with Tourette Syndrome”. Human Brain
Mapping. [E-Print]
Alkonyi B, Chugani HT, Behen ME, Halverson S*, Helder E,* Makki MI, Juhász C. The role of the
thalamus in neuro-cognitive dysfunction in early unilateral hemispheric injury: a multimodality
imaging study of children with Sturge-Weber syndrome. Eur J Paediatr Neurol.
2010 Sep;14(5):425-33. Epub 2010 May 5.
Sivaswamy L, Kumar A, Rajan D, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani D, Chugani H. A diffusion tensor
imaging study of the cerebellar pathways in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Child
Neurol. 2010 Oct;25(10):1223-31. Epub 2010 Feb 22.
Kumar A, Sundaram SK, Sivaswamy L, Behen ME, Makki MI, Ager J, Janisse J, Chugani HT,
Chugani DC. Alterations in frontal lobe tracts and corpus callosum in young children with autism
spectrum disorder. Cereb Cortex. 2010 Sep;20(9):2103-13. Epub 2009 Dec 17.
Govindan RM, Behen ME, Helder E*, Makki M, Chugani HT. Altered water diffusivity in cortical
association tracts in children with early deprivation identified with Tract-based Spatial
Statistics (TBSS). Cerebral Cortex, 2010;20(3):561-9.
ME Behen, corresponding author.
Govindan RM, Makki MI, Wilson BJ*, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Abnormal water diffusivity in
corticostriatal projections in children with Tourette syndrome. Hum Brain Mapp. 2010
JW, Diwadkar VA, Chugani CD, Sinsoongsud P*, Muzik O, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Chugani DC.
Congruence of happy and sad emotion in music and faces modifies cortical audiovisual activation.
Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 14;54(4):2973-82. Epub 2010 Nov 10.
Tiwari VN, Jeong JW, Wilson BJ*, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Sundaram SK. Relationship between
aberrant brain connectivity and clinical features in Angelman Syndrome: a new method using tract
based spatial statistics of DTI color-coded orientation maps. Neuroimage.
2012 Jan 2;59(1):349-55. Epub 2011 Jul 30.
Miao Y, Juhász C, Wu J, Tarabishy B, Lang Z, Behen ME, Kou Z, Ye Y, Chugani HT, Hu J.
Clinical correlates of white matter blood flow perfusion changes in Sturge-Weber syndrome: a
dynamic MR perfusion-weighted imaging study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2011 Aug;32(7):1280-
5. Epub 2011 Jun 30. PMID:21724573
Shandal V, Sundaram SK, Chugani DC, Kumar A, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Abnormal brain
protein synthesis in language areas of children with pervasive developmental disorder: a L-[1-
11C]-leucine PET study. J Child Neurol. 2011 Nov;26(11):1347-54. Epub 2011 Jun 2.
Alkonyi B, Chugani HT, Karia S, Behen ME, Juhász C. Clinical outcomes in bilateral Sturge-
Weber syndrome. Pediatr Neurol. 2011 Jun;44(6):443-9. PMID:21555056.
Sundaram SK, Huq AM, Sun Z, Yu W, Bennett L, Wilson BJ*, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Exome
sequencing of a pedigree with Tourette syndrome or chronic tic disorder. Ann Neurol. 2011
May;69(5):901-4. doi: 10.1002/ana.22398. PMID: 21520241
Wilson BJ*, Sundaram SK, Huq AH, Jeong JW, Halverson SR*, Behen ME, Bui DQ, Chugani HT.
Abnormal language pathway in children with Angelman syndrome. Pediatr Neurol. 2011
May;44(5):350-6. PMID: 21481743
Alkonyi B, Juhász C, Muzik O, Behen ME, Jeong JW, Chugani HT. Thalamocortical connectivity
in healthy children: asymmetries and robust developmental changes between ages 8 and 17
years. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2011 May;32(5):962-9. Epub 2011 Mar 31. PMID: 21454411.
Jeong JW, Diwadkar VA, Chugani CD, Sinsoongsud P*, Muzik O, Behen ME, Chugani HT,
Chugani DC. Congruence of happy and sad emotion in music and faces modifies cortical
audiovisual activation. Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 14;54(4):2973-82. Epub 2010 Nov 10. PMID:
Alkonyi B, Govindan RM, Chugani HT, Behen ME, Jeong JW, Juhász C. Focal white matter
abnormalities related to neurocognitive dysfunction: an objective diffusion tensor imaging study of
children with sturge-weber syndrome. Pediatr Res. 2011 Jan;69(1):74
Behen ME, Juhasz C, Wolfe-Christensen C*, Guy W*, Halverson S*, Chugani HT. Brain damage
and IQ in Sturge-Weber Syndrome: Support for a “fresh start” hypothesis. Epilepsy & Behavior,
2011 Oct;22(2):352-7.
Jeong JW, Chugani DC, Behen ME, Tiwari VN, Chugani HT. Altered white matter structure of the
dentatorubrothalamic pathway in children with autistic spectrum disorders. Cerebellum (London,
England) 2012;11(4):957-71.
Tiwari VN, Jeong JW, Wilson BJ*, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Sundaram SK. Relationship between
aberrant brain connectivity and clinical features in Angelman Syndrome: a new method using tract
based spatial statistics of DTI color-coded orientation maps. NeuroImage. 2012;59(1):349-55.
Gopal SP, Tiwari VN, Veenstra A*L, Kumar A, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Sundaram SK. Sensitive
diffusion tensor imaging quantification method to identify language pathway abnormalities in
children with developmental delay. J Pediatr. 2012;160(1):147-51.
Shandal V, Veenstra AL*, Behen ME, Sundaram SK, Chugani HT. Long-term outcome in children
with intractable epilepsy showing bilateral diffuse cortical glucose hypometabolism pattern on
positron emission tomography. J Child Neurol. 2012;27(1):39-45.
Jeong JW, Chugani HT, Behen ME, Guy W*, Juhász C. Quantitative Assessment of Brain
Networks in Children With Sturge-Weber Syndrome Using Resting State Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI). J Child Neurol. 2012 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Larsen TL, Helder EJ, Behen ME Neurocognitive and behavioral correlates of non-righthandedness
in internationally adopted children. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.2012;34(9):999-1007.
doi: 10.1080/13803395.2012.716395. Epub 2012 Aug 31.
Kumar A, Behen ME*, Singsoonsud P*, Veenstra AL*, Wolfe-Christensen C*, Helder E* &
Chugani HT. (2014). Microstructural abnormalities in language and limbic pathways in
orphanage-reared children: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Journal of Child Neurol. 2014
Mar;29(3):318-25. doi: 10.1177/0883073812474098.
ME Behen, corresponding author.
Helder EJ*, Behen ME, Wilson B*, Muzik O, Chugani HT. Language difficulties in children
adopted internationally: Neuropsychological and functional neural correlates. Child Neuropsychol.
2014;20(4):470-92. doi: 10.1080/09297049.2013.819846.
Jeong JW, Tiwari VN, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Chugani DC. In vivo detection of reduced
Purkinje cell fibers with diffusion MRI tractography in children with autistic spectrum disorders.
Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Feb 28;8:110. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00110. PMID: 24592234
Kamson DO, Juhász C, Shin J, Behen ME, Guy WC*, Chugani HT, Jeong JW. Patterns of
structural reorganization of the corticospinal tract in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Apr;50(4):337-42. PMID: 24507695.
Behen ME & Chugani HT. (2015). Functional and structural correlates of early severe social
deprivation. In Social Cognition in Health and Disease, R Schutt, L Seidman & M Keshavan
(Eds.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Dhakar MB, Ilyas M, Jeong JW, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Frontal Aslant Tract Abnormality on
Diffusion Tensor Imaging in an Aphasic Patient With 49, XXXXY Syndrome. Pediatr Neurol. 2015
Nov 18. pii: S0887-8994(15)30066-7. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2015.10.020. [Epub ahead of
Bosnyák E, Kamson DO, Behen ME, Barger GR, Mittal S, Juhász C. Imaging cerebral tryptophan
metabolism in brain tumor-associated depression. EJNMMI Res. 2015 Dec;5(1):56. doi:
10.1186/s13550-015-0136-9. Epub 2015 Oct 17.
Chugani DC, Chugani HT, Wiznitzer M, Parikh S, Evans PA, Hansen RL, Nass R, Janisse JJ,
Dixon-Thomas P, Behen M, Rothermel R, Parker JS, Kumar A,Muzik O, Edwards DJ, Hirtz D;
Autism Center of Excellence Network. Efficacy of Low-Dose Buspirone for Restricted and
Repetitive Behavior in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Trial. J
Pediatr. 2015 Dec 23. pii: S0022-3476(15)01444-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.11.033. [Epub
ahead of print].
Bosnyak E, Behen M, Guy WC, Asano E, Chugani HT, Juhasz C. Predictors of cognitive
outcome in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome: A prospective, longitudinal study. Pediatr
Neurol. 2016 Aug;61:38-45. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2016.05.012. Epub 2016 May 30.
PubMed PMID: 27353695; PubMed Central PMCID.
Jeong JW, Sundaram S, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Differentiation of Speech Delay and Global
Developmental Delay in Children Using DTI Tractography-Based Connectome. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol. 2016 Jan 21. [Epub ahead of print].
Jeong J, Kumar A, Singsoonsud P, PilliVK, ChuganiHT & Behen ME. Altered functional
connectivity in children with histories of early social deprivation. Under review, Social
Jeong JW, Sundaram SK, Behen ME, Chugani HT. Relationship between genotype and arcuate
fasciculus morphology in six young children with global developmental delay: Preliminary DTI
study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 44(6), DOI,10.1002/jmri.25306.
Pilli VK, Behen ME, Hu J, Xuan Y, Janisse J, Chugani HT, Juhász C. Clinical and metabolic
correlates of cerebral calcifications in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2017
Sep;59(9):952-958. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13433. Epub 2017 Apr 11.
Kim JA, Jeong JW, Behen ME, Pilli VK, Luat A, Chugani HT, Juhász C. Metabolic correlates of
cognitive function in children with unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome: Evidence for regional
functional reorganization and crowding. Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Dec 23. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23937.
[Epub ahead of print].
Luat A, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Juhasz C. Cognitive and motor outcome in children with
unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome: Effect of age at seizure onset and side of brain involvement.
Epilepsy & Behavior, 2018, in press.
John F, Maqbool M, Jeong JW, Agarwal R, Behen ME, Juhász C. Hemispheric expansion of
deep cerebral venous collaterals associated with reversal of metabolic and neuro-cognitive
abnormalities in Sturge-Weber Syndrome. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2018,
Kumar A, Juhász C, Luat A, Govil-Dalela T, Behen ME, Hicks MA, Chugani HT.
J Child Neurol. Evolution of Brain Glucose Metabolic Abnormalities in Children With Epilepsy
and SCN1A Gene Variants. J Child Neurology. 2018 Nov;33(13):832-836. doi:
10.1177/0883073818796373. Epub 2018 Sep 5. PMID: 30182801
Govil-Dalela T, Kumar A, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Juhász C. Evolution of lobar
abnormalities of cerebral glucose metabolism in 41 children with drug-resistant epilepsy.
Epilepsia. 2018 Jul;59(7):1307-1315. doi: 10.1111/epi.14404. Epub 2018 May 22.
PMID: 29786852
Luat AF, Behen ME, Chugani HT, Juhász C. Cognitive and motor outcomes in children with
unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome: Effect of age at seizure onset and side of brain
involvement. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Mar;80:202-207. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.01.012. Epub
2018 Feb 3. PMID: 29414553.
Lee MH, O’Hara N, Behen ME, Jeong JW. (2019). Altered efficiency of white matter connections
for language function in children with language disorder. Brain and Language, 2020
Apr;203:104743. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2020.104743. Epub 2020 Jan 28.
Piti Sinsoongsud P, Jeong JW, Gjolaj N, Pilli VK, Chugani HT, Kotchabhakdi N, Behen,
ME. (2019). Altered functional connectivity in children with histories of early social deprivation.
Brain & Behavior. Under review.
Jeong JW, Banerjee S, Lee MH, O'Hara N, Behen M, Juhász C, Dong M. (2021). Deep
reasoning neural network analysis to predict language deficits from psychometry-driven DWI
connectome of young children with persistent language concerns. Human Brain Mapping.
PMID 33949048 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25437